Join the Cavemen Mountain Bike team! Here's how...


Mountain biking is a challenging endurance sport. Expect it to be difficult but also rewarding and fun!  During team practices riders will be organized into strength and skill-level based groups to appropriately challenge each rider.  These smaller groups are led by adult ride-leaders and practices are adjusted to fit the needs of each group -- beginner riders will do more skills development, advanced riders will be pushed with more challenging rides, etc. We expect team members to attend and give their best effort in practices.


YOU! Everyone participates - girls and boys! There are no tryouts. 
If you are an American Fork High School area student, you can participate! 

If you are going into 7th or 8th grade at American Fork Junior or Mountain Ridge Junior High, check out the the Junior Development team!


We kick off the season with a youth and parent meeting in March to provide information and answer questions. See the season schedule for  more information.

Pre-season clinics and skill workshops are held April thru May. The official season begins June 1.  We will prepare you to be racing by mid August. During the season (June 1 to end of October), we will typically practice two times per week at various locations including but not limited to Valley Vista Trails (Pleasant Grove), Lambert Park (Alpine), Corner Canyon (Draper), Eagle Mountain. we use TeamSnap for all team communication and scheduling.

Riders are expected to attend all scheduled practices and show dedicated effort. Our coach staff also have families, jobs, etc and their time is valuable; we expect commitment, responsibility, and respect from our riders and parents. We can't do this without parent volunteers (lots of opportunities to help).
If a rider has other commitments that precludes them from attending practice, other make up arrangements can be made in advance with a coach.

What Do I Need?:

• A "Can Do" attitude!
• Cross Country Mountain bike (maintained/functioning)
• Safety Equipment (Helmet, Gloves, Eye protection)
• Bike Maintenance Supplies (tubes, hand pump, patch kit, tire levers)

   If you don't have these things, there are discounts available at local bike shops and through our team sponsors.


Our team fee is $400 and includes the following:

  • Team Fee $250 ( team gear needs, trailers, canopies, coolers, items as needed)

  • Team race kit (shorts, jersey, team hat, various items) $150

  • Food at all 5 races for you and supporting family

  • Team activities (movie night, bowling, Timp Hike, etc)

  • Skills clinics hosted by pro riders and trainers